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  • Operating System

    UNIT: 1 Introduction:

    Operating system and function, the evolution of OS, Operating System services, OS Components. Operating Systems Types: Batch, Time Sharing, Multiprogramming, Multitasking, Multiprocessor, Distributed, Real Time, Network.

    UNIT: 2 CPU Scheduling:

    Process concept, Process state transitions, schedulers (long term, short term, mid term), Scheduling concept, Performance criteria, Scheduling algorithms, multiple processor scheduling.

    UNIT: 3 Deadlocks:

    System model, Deadlock characterization, prevention, avoidance detection and recovery from deadlock.

    UNIT: 4 Memory Management:

    Resident monitor, multiprogramming with fixed Partition, multiprogramming with variable partition, paging, segmentation, paged segmentation, virtual memory, demand paging, thrashing.

    UNIT: 5 File System:

    File support, access methods, allocation methods (Contiguous, linked and index allocation), Directory system (Single level, tree structured, acyclic graph and general graph directory), file protection. Disk Scheduling: FCFS, C-Scan etc



    • 1. . Peterson & Silberschatz, “Operating System Concepts”, Addison-Wesley company
    • 2. Tenenbaum, A.S., “Modern Operating System”, PHI Publication


    Subject Code

Q-6)- KU-2015-2016-2018 BTECH-CSE- Previous Year Question On DEADLOCK In Operating System

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Q-6)- KU-2015-2016-2018 BTECH-CSE- Previous Year Question On DEADLOCK In Operating System Operating System Previous Years Questions And Their Solutions Of university- Rajasthan Technical University-RTU, Kurukshetra University- KU, Maharishi Dyanand University-MDU. Topics Are 1) CPU Scheduling 2)Memory Management a) Page Fault b) Page Replacement Algorithm 3) Deadlock 4)Process Synchronization Memory management is the functionality of an operating system which handles or manages primary memory and moves processes back and forth between main memory and disk during execution.

Q-5)- KU-2017-2018- BTECH-CSE- Previous Year Question On DEADLOCK In Operating System

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Q-5)- KU-2017-2018- BTECH-CSE- Previous Year Question On DEADLOCK In Operating System Operating System Previous Years Questions And Their Solutions Of university- Rajasthan Technical University-RTU, Kurukshetra University- KU, Maharishi Dyanand University-MDU. Topics Are 1) CPU Scheduling 2)Memory Management a) Page Fault b) Page Replacement Algorithm 3) Deadlock 4)Process Synchronization Memory management is the functionality of an operating system which handles or manages primary memory and moves processes back and forth between main memory and disk during execution.

Q-4)- KU- 2012-2014-2017- BTECH-CSE- Previous Year Question On DEADLOCK In Operating System

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Q-4)- KU- 2012-2014-2017- BTECH-CSE- Previous Year Question On DEADLOCK In Operating System Operating System Previous Years Questions And Their Solutions Of university- Rajasthan Technical University-RTU, Kurukshetra University- KU, Maharishi Dyanand University-MDU. Topics Are 1) CPU Scheduling 2)Memory Management a) Page Fault b) Page Replacement Algorithm 3) Deadlock 4)Process Synchronization Memory management is the functionality of an operating system which handles or manages primary memory and moves processes back and forth between main memory and disk during execution.

Q-3)- KU- 2013-2014-2018- BTECH-CSE- Previous Year Question On DEADLOCK In Operating System

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Q-3)- KU- 2013-2014-2018- BTECH-CSE- Previous Year Question On DEADLOCK In Operating System Operating System Previous Years Questions And Their Solutions Of university- Rajasthan Technical University-RTU, Kurukshetra University- KU, Maharishi Dyanand University-MDU. Topics Are 1) CPU Scheduling 2)Memory Management a) Page Fault b) Page Replacement Algorithm 3) Deadlock 4)Process Synchronization Memory management is the functionality of an operating system which handles or manages primary memory and moves processes back and forth between main memory and disk during execution.

Q-2)- KU- 2010-2011-2012- BTECH-CSE- Previous Year Question On DEADLOCK In Operating System

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Q-2)- KU- 2010-2011-2012- BTECH-CSE- Previous Year Question On DEADLOCK In Operating System Operating System Previous Years Questions And Their Solutions Of university- Rajasthan Technical University-RTU, Kurukshetra University- KU, Maharishi Dyanand University-MDU. Topics Are 1) CPU Scheduling 2)Memory Management a) Page Fault b) Page Replacement Algorithm 3) Deadlock 4)Process Synchronization Memory management is the functionality of an operating system which handles or manages primary memory and moves processes back and forth between main memory and disk during execution.

Q-1)- KU- 2005-2006-2009-BTECH-CSE-- Previous Year Question On DEADLOCK In Operating System

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Q-1)- KU- 2005-2006-2009-BTECH-CSE-- Previous Year Question On DEADLOCK In Operating System Operating System Previous Years Questions And Their Solutions Of university- Rajasthan Technical University-RTU, Kurukshetra University- KU, Maharishi Dyanand University-MDU. Topics Are 1) CPU Scheduling 2)Memory Management a) Page Fault b) Page Replacement Algorithm 3) Deadlock 4)Process Synchronization Memory management is the functionality of an operating system which handles or manages primary memory and moves processes back and forth between main memory and disk during execution.

7.8- All Disk Scheduling Algorithm In Operating System | FCFS | SSTF | SCAN | CSCAN | LOOK | CLOOK

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All Disk Scheduling Algorithm In Operating System | FCFS | SSTF | SCAN | CSCAN | LOOK | CLOOK #GateComputerScience #UGCNETComputerScience #NetComputerScience #GATEOperatingSystem #NETOperatingSystem #OperatingSystemVideos #OperatingSystemVideosInHindi #OperatingSystemTutorials #OperatingSystemTutorialsInHindi #OperatingSystemLectures #OperatingSystemLectureInHindi #OperatingSystemInHindi Playlist: UGC NET- Computer Graphics: UGC NET-

7.7- CLOOK Disk Scheduling Algorithm In Disk Management In Operating System In Hindi

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CLOOK Disk Scheduling Algorithm In Disk Management In Operating System In Hindi Circular-LOOK Algorithm is an improved version of the LOOK Algorithm. Head starts from the first request at one end of the disk and moves towards the last request at the other end servicing all the requests in between. After reaching the last request at the other end, head reverses its direction. It then returns to the first request at the starting end without servicing any request in between. The same process repeats.

7.6- LOOK Disk Scheduling Algorithm In Disk Management In Operating System In Hindi

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LOOK Disk Scheduling Algorithm In Disk Management In Operating System In Hindi LOOK Algorithm is an improved version of the SCAN Algorithm. Head starts from the first request at one end of the disk and moves towards the last request at the other end servicing all the requests in between. After reaching the last request at the other end, head reverses its direction. Advantages- It does not causes the head to move till the ends of the disk when there are no requests to be serviced. It provides better performance as compared to SCAN Algorithm. It does not lead to starvation.

7.5- CSCAN Disk Scheduling Algorithm In Disk Management In Operating System In Hindi

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CSCAN Disk Scheduling Algorithm In Disk Management In Operating System In Hindi Circular-SCAN Algorithm is an improved version of the SCAN Algorithm. Head starts from one end of the disk and move towards the other end servicing all the requests in between. After reaching the other end, head reverses its direction. It then returns to the starting end without servicing any request in between. The same process repeats.