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Q-6)- KU- 2014- CSE-IT- 7 Marks- Previous Year Question On Memory Management In OS In Hindi Operating System Previous Years Questions And Their Solutions Of university- Rajasthan Technical University-RTU, Kurukshetra University- KU, Maharishi Dyanand University-MDU. Topics Are 1) CPU Scheduling 2)Memory Management a) Page Fault b) Page Replacement Algorithm 3) Deadlock 4)Process Synchronization Memory management is the functionality of an operating system which handles or manages primary memory and moves processes back and forth between main memory and disk during execution. Memory management keeps track of each and every memory location, regardless of either it is allocated to some process or it is free. A Deadlock is a situation in which two computer programs sharing the same resource are effectively preventing each other from accessing the resource, resulting in both programs ceasing to function. The earliest computer operating systems ran only one program at a time. #GateComputerScience #UGCNETComputerScience #NetComputerScience #GATEOperatingSystem #NETOperatingSystem #OperatingSystemVideos #OperatingSystemVideosInHindi #OperatingSystemTutorials #OperatingSystemTutorialsInHindi #OperatingSystemLectures #OperatingSystemLectureInHindi #OperatingSystemInHindi ku os papers | ku btech os papers | kuu operating system question papers | kuu operating system previous year questions papers | operating system previous year question papers Playlist: UGC NET- Computer Graphics: UGC NET- Operating System Lectures: Operating System For BTech- BE- BSc-Msc- BCA-MCA...Students Foundation Of Computer Science- IPU Full Discrete Mathematics Syllabus Students search on youtube and google 'operating system lectures in hindi' but many website do not provide the good concepts so here is my channel which would guide you in all manner. Operating system tutorials is one of that keyword which is being searched a lot on youtube and google so here guarantee again that this is that channel which help you lot in your university exams and as well as in practical’s. My operating system videos in hindi covers all syllabus and students can download the notes which link will be in description also. My 5 years of teaching experience and my Btech Experience says that students love to watch operating system in hindi because in many colleges teachers teach by ppt and many by books but they do not clear the concepts. My lectures and theory topics are covered as per many computer science field ,operating system tutorial for bsc. Students who searches for operating system tutorial for diploma course can also follow these videos and it will same beneficial as it is for Bsc students. One more interesting thing is that i also covered operating system tutorial for ugc net as i have told lots of time that concepts is always same but it matters only questions. So i have covered lots of question of UGC NET operating system exams. Lots of Students says sir they need separate ugc net operating system tutorials so here i also made lots of separate videos on ugc net operating system and also created separate playlist so they do not get confused in university exam videos. My Channel covered all main previous year question papers of operating system. Yes this is interesting that many students requested me for gate tutorials for operating system in hindi as they found my university exam videos very beneficial. so i also covered lots of GATE previous years question on operating system. So students can watch my operating system videos for gate in my channel and if they have any query they can comment in the videos so i can help then in any manner is will. Thanks a lots to my subscribers and who watches my videos.


  • Operating System Tutorials In Hindi By Er. Deepak Garg


    • Operating System

      UNIT: 1 Introduction:

      Operating system and function, the evolution of OS, Operating System services, OS Components. Operating Systems Types: Batch, Time Sharing, Multiprogramming, Multitasking, Multiprocessor, Distributed, Real Time, Network.

      UNIT: 2 CPU Scheduling:

      Process concept, Process state transitions, schedulers (long term, short term, mid term), Scheduling concept, Performance criteria, Scheduling algorithms, multiple processor scheduling.

      UNIT: 3 Deadlocks:

      System model, Deadlock characterization, prevention, avoidance detection and recovery from deadlock.

      UNIT: 4 Memory Management:

      Resident monitor, multiprogramming with fixed Partition, multiprogramming with variable partition, paging, segmentation, paged segmentation, virtual memory, demand paging, thrashing.

      UNIT: 5 File System:

      File support, access methods, allocation methods (Contiguous, linked and index allocation), Directory system (Single level, tree structured, acyclic graph and general graph directory), file protection. Disk Scheduling: FCFS, C-Scan etc



      • 1. . Peterson & Silberschatz, “Operating System Concepts”, Addison-Wesley company
      • 2. Tenenbaum, A.S., “Modern Operating System”, PHI Publication


      Subject Code